Tiraniya Slov Styuart Chejz Fb2

Tiraniya Slov Styuart Chejz Fb2 6,5/10 4512 reviews

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UNIDROIT CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL FACTORING (Ottawa, 28 May 1988) THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION, CONSCIOUS of the fact that international factoring has a significant role to play in the development of international trade, RECOGNISING therefore the importance of adopting uniform rules to provide a legal framework that will facilitate international factoring, while maintaining a fair balance of interests between the different parties involved in factoring transactions, HAVE AGREED as follows: CHAPTER I - SPHERE OF APPLICATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 1. - This Convention governs factoring contracts and assignments of receivables as described in this Chapter. Principialjnaya elektricheskaya shema zaryadnogo ustrojstva kulon 715d.