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Books, Charts and Software/Apps SIGMA President Bill Leslie has provided this guide to useful astrononmy books, charts and software. His opinions are for the book editions and software versions he had at time of writing - ISBNs and software links are correct for latest versions as at November 2016. Amazon have Kindle versions of some of these books.
This is not a definitive list, it just shows some of the books and software which I have found useful as I tried to find out more about astronomy. No prices have been shown for the items below as most of these books can be purchased from a variety of sources. Everyone knows about Amazon and E-Bay but another good source of books is Tesco Direct, search in Science and Nature/Astronomy. - - - BOOKS Turn Left at Orion Guy Consolmagna and Dan Davis This is one of the first books recommended when a beginner asks on an astronomy newsgroup. It contains hints and tips on how to use a telescope and clear instructions on how to find about 100 night-sky objects. You can request this book from Moray Council Libraries.
Cambridge University Press ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9973 Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars Sir Patrick Moore Many objects visible in binoculars are listed by constellation in this book. Strange as it may seem, it gives excellent guidance for finding objects for the first time with a small telescope. If you can see an object in binoculars, you should get a much better view through a telescope and with this book you can find the object through your binoculars first. Some telescope retailers give this book away free when you buy a pair of binoculars. Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9902 Philip’s Astronomy Dictionary: An Illustrated A-Z Guide to the Universe John Woodruff, Neil Bone, Storm Dunlop This is a very handy book for finding the difference between your aphelions and your periastrons. It is also handy for finding out how to spell the names of astronomical objects, essential if you plan to stand in front of 30 critical SIGMA members. Philip’s ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9894 Stars (Collins Gem) Ian Ridpath At tiny little book which fits easily into the pocket.
It contains star charts for all the constellations with information on many interesting objects. More than just charts, so I put it in this section. Collins ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9582 Celestial Sampler: 60 Small-Scope Tours for Starlit Nights (Stargazing) Sue French Sue French is a regular contributor to the US magazine, Sky and Telescope. This book is a compilation of 60 articles called “Small Scope Samplers” which she wrote for the magazine.
Each article gives an in-depth guide to a small part of the sky, describing objects which can be seen with a 4” telescope. I haven’t seen this book, but I have filed all of the “samplers” from the magazine and find them invaluable for use at the telescope. Sky Publishing Corporation ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9287 Guide to the Constellations Neil Bone & Mark McLellan & Nik Szymanek This Astronomy Now publication has a chapter for each constellation visible from the UK. Each chapter includes a detailed description and map of each constellation, with a list of the most interesting objects. Pole Star Publications ASIN: B0019ZB9E6 Philip’s Moon Observer’s Guide Peter Grego This book covers everything on the Moon from the equipment you need, to lunar geology, to occultations and making drawings of the Moon.
The main part of the book is a detailed description of what can be seen on each day of the Lunar cycle, 62 pages to cover 28 days! Mod mortal kombat 9 pc kratos 1. Philip’s ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9325 Solar System Observer Pack (Astronomy) Philip’s ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9287 Philip’s Astronomy Encyclopedia Sir Patrick Moore Philip’s (25 Jun.