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Similar words:  (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) stA Spanning Tree Algorithm stB strobe stC Set Carry Flag stD I Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (doctor of sacred theology) noun doktor Svyashennogo Bogosloviya II Sexually Transmitted Disease noun zabolevanie, peredavaemoe polovym putem stD; *1. Set Direction Flag; *2. Standard stDA streetTalk Directory Assi stance [Banyan] stDAUX standard Auxillary stDERR standard Error stDIN standard Input stDIO.H standard Input/Output Header [C] stDMA Space-Time Division Multiple Access, mnozhestvennyi dostup s prostranstvenno-vremennym razdeleniem kanalov stDOUT standard Output stDPRN standard Printer stF structured File (file name extension) [Lotus Agenda] stI Set Interrupt Flag stN Supertwi st Nematic stOL port Short TakeOff and Landing airport noun aeroport dlya samoletov s ukorochennym probegom stOS store string stP Signal Transfer Point stP; *1. Shielded Twi sted Pair, ekranirovannaya vitaya para-; *2. Signal Transfer Point, punkt peredachi signala (v seti) stR; *1. Store Task Regi ster; *2. Synchronous Transmitter Receiver stRUDL structural Design Language (Programming Language) stScI Space Telescope Science In stitute stX 1> ( start of text) simvol 'nachalo teksta'.


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Stagirit, urozhenec Stagiry (v Drevnei Makedonii) 2> (the stagirite) Stagirit, Aristotel' stamp Act 1> _am. Zakon o gerbovom sbore stanislas noun Stanislav stanislaus noun Stanislav stanley noun Stenli, Stanli stannaries 1> Olovyannye rudniki (olovodobyvayushii i olovoplavil'nyi raion v Kornuolle i Devonshire) star Chamber 1> _ist.

Zvezdnaya palata (vysshii korolevskii sud v Anglii, uprazdnennyi v 1641 g.) 2> tainyi, nepravednyi sud, sudilishe; zastenok star of Bethlehem 1> _rel. Vifleemskaya zvezda 2> pticemlechnik zontichnyi (Ornithogalum ambellatum) stars and Bars 1> _am. 'zvezdy i perekladiny', flag Konfederacii yuzhnyh shtatov stars and stripes 1> 'zvezdy i polosy', gosuzharstvennyi flag SShA state Attorney 1> _am. Prokuror shtata state Bank of Con struction 1> Vsesoyuznyi bank finansirovaniya kapital'nyh vlozhenii (Stroibank SSSR) state Bank of the USSR 1> Gosudarstvennyi bank SSSR (Gosbank SSSR) state Committee of the USSR Council of Mini sters for Labour and Wages 1> Gosudarstvennyi komitet SSSR po voprosam truda i zarabotnoi platy state Department 1> _razg.

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